

The School session commences in April and finish in March next in the following schedule:
First Term - 1st April to 30th September
Second Term - 1st Oct to 31st March


Winter : 08:30 AM to 02:20 PM
Summer : 07:30 AM to 01:20 PM


Holidays will be declared according to the school calender.


  1. The answer papers of the final exams are not shown .
  2. In case of absence during the examination Only a Medical Certificate duly signed by a registered medical practitioner will be accepted. Students found using unfair means during any test/exams will be awarded zero marks. No re- t e st or re-exam will be considered.

    Report Card of weak students will be retained in the office of Principal. Parents are requested to come and discuss the report with the Principal within a week of the distribution of the report card, failing which the student will not be allowed to attend the school. A student who is detained twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.


Promotion to the higher class is given to the students who obtain marks/grade as follow:
Class I to V : Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
Class VI to VIII : 45% in each subject and 50% in aggregate


Scholar certificates are awarded every year to meritorious students who secure the highest Percentage in each class in the final exam. Merit and participation certificates are issued to students throughout a year for various activities and sports, competition and assembly activities at the intra class, class, inter house levels.


The school provides facilities for a number of Talent Search Programmes besides the academic curriculum. These activities are meant to develop communication abilities and perceptual skills apart from proper utilization of leisure. It also gives to the students an experience of fellowship and mutual-aid which are essential ingredients of a well balanced personality. Student participation in most of these activities is compulsory.


In Summer :

Boys : Half sleeves white shirt with grey shorts for classes Ist & IInd. Half sleeves white shirt with grey trouser for class IIIrd to VIIIth with navy blue socks & black shoes.
Girls : Half sleeves white shirt with grey skirt with navy blue socks & black shoes.

In Winter:

Boys : Full sleeves white shirt with grey trouser & with half sweater & blue blazer, navy blue socks & black shoes.
Girls : Full sleeves white shirt with grey skirt & half sleeves sweater, blue blazer with grey slacks & black shoes.


Jyoti House

Red t-shirt and white skirt/troused, white socks with red strips and white shoes. & black shoes.

Pragati House

Green t-shirt and white skirt/trouser, white socks with green strips and white shoes.

Kirti House

Yellow t-shirt and white skirt/trouser, white socks with yellow strips and white shoes.

Shakti House

Blue t-shirt and white skirt/trouser, white socks with blue strips and white shoes.

The student are expected to wear house uniform on wednesday & saturday.


Boys : It is part of school 's dress code/uniform standard that the student attending the school should wear a "Army hair cut " hair style. The child should have a hair cut from 1st to 4th of a month.
Girls : The girl with long hair should make two plaits or braids. The girl with short hair should have black hair band.


All students should converse only in English inside the school premises, to develop their fluency in the English language and are expected to do the same outside also.

  1. Students/parents/guardians will be bound by the rules and regulations in all respects which may be modified from time to time and all matters of dispute are subjected to the final decision of the Principal/Managing Director
  2. Students should be decent, courteous and polite at all times whether they are in the class or in the school premises.
  3. Students should be orderly and disciplined at the time of assembling for prayer and also at other functions.
  4. Students should respect the beauty and cleanliness of the school and take utmost care to promote the same.
  5. Students should address their teachers and all the members of the staff with due respects and politeness. They are expected to behave in a gentle manner. They should show respect and politeness to their companions too.
  6. Students are responsible for their belongings and the school cannot be held responsible for their jewelry, books, money etc lost by them while every effort is made by the school management to reduce the loss of such articles.
  7. Scribbling a books, desks and walls is strictly prohibited and liable to fines.
  8. Running or playing in the school compound and shouting inside the classes are not allowed.
  9. Any damage done to school property should be replaced by the pupil concerned.
  10. Disobedience and misbehavior towards staff members or repeated breaking of school rules or behavior objectionable to the good tone of the school, even outside the school premises will deserve severe punishment or even dismissal if warnings are ignored.
  11. There is no provision for “Re-assessment or Promotion on trial”.
  12. No Transfer Certificate or Leaving Certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full, with a written application from parent or guardian.
  13. Fees are to be paid in advance according to school fee schedule of each month failing which a fine of Rs. 20/- will be levied for each month.
  14. This school perserved the right to increase the fees at any time of the school year, if any increment is deemed necessary. Annual charges & monthly tuition fee will be increased annually so that increased requirements can be meet out.
  15. The attendance of the student must be 75% for appearing in the final examination. When attendance is taken, each student must raise and respectfully answer his/her name. No pupil is allowed to leave the classroom without the teachers permission.
  16. Children are absolutely forbidden to leave the school premises without the permission of Principal, if found doing otherwise he/she would be suspended for a fortnight or more. When the school is over all the children should leave their class in silence accompanied by teachers. Children who come to school under the care of servants should not leave the school premises before the servant arrives to take them home. Pupils have to be loyal to their parents & to their school with prompt obedience & good will to do what is right & praise worthy as also sincere love for their neighbors fellow students & love for their country as and outcome of their good educational formation.
  17. Students Security & Safety - No student should enter the school premises before 8:25 am in winter & 7:25 in summer because no member of teaching staff & non teaching staff is available to supervise the children. In case a child does not return home within reasonable time, the school must be contacted immediately. Parents must give instructions in writing about any medication to be given to their child during school hours. The prime responsibility of the safety of children rests with the parents after school hours and once they are outside the school premises.

Note: Private Tuition from school staff is not permitted


  • If the parents have any grievance/ suggestions to offer, they are welcome to write to the principal or to meet him in person. Timings in summer from 09.00 am. to 10.00a.m. and in winter 10:30 am to 11:30 am.
  • Since parents and teachers have a common goal of bringing into children and all round development of personality, physical, mental and moral, we appeal to the parents for their full co-operation in all matters concerning the education of their children.
  • Please see your child's diary everyday and help follow the Principal's/teacher's remarks and messages, and sign as a proof of it.
  • Please send your child to school only if he/she is physically fit and is in a position to continue to till the classes are over
  • Please co-operate with the school authorities and staff in enforcing school rules and discipline, observing that your child studies regularly at home, comes to school regularly and timely, maintains a continuity in his/her school work and effectively takes helpful interest in the school activity
  • Parents are advised to see that good habits pertaining to studies, morality, food and health which are taught in the school are continued when children are at home.
  • Student's regularity and punctuality are to be maintained. No leave is accepted without Leave application. It is mandatory for the parents to inform about leave/absence of their ward well in advance to the school.
  • See that your ward has all text books, items of stationery, craft materials etc, right in the beginning of the session.
  • Ensure that all the books and notebooks are covered with the brown paper.
  • Ensure that your ward comes to the school in the proper uniform with polished shoes, trimmed hair and clean nails
  • Intimate to the school in case of change in address, telephone number
  • Do not walk into the classroom or meet the teacher in the classroom. Meet the teacher only with a prior appointment through the Principal.
  • Do not send money of valuable articles with the students. The school owes no responsibility, if they are lost.
  • Students must be directed by their parents to maintain cordial relation with their classmates and pay respect to Teacher, Non-teaching staff and senior students.
  • If a child is absent one/two days due to any reason, please mark in the dairy.
  • Your ward is expected to attend class on the closing day before and also on the opening day after, each vacation and new academic session. The names of those children who fail to do so or who do not return within 3 working days of the r e - opening after each vacation are liable to be automatically removed from the rolls in spite of having paid all dues , if no written application was handed in. However, if a child is to be absent for s o m e v a l i d r e a s o n p e r t a i n i n g t o illness/bereavement in the family, family function, then an application should be sent to the office. In case of serious illness a medical certificate should be attached to the application.
  • Misbehavior of a parent with a teacher or SchoolStaff would empower the School Management with the right to strike the name of the child of the offering parent off the rolls of the school. However, if a controversy does arise at any time then matters should be sorted out in the chamber of the Principal only. For better & durable relationship moves for reconciliation will always be made by the school Management.
  • The School Management reserve the right to change or amend the rule and regulation as enshrined in the School diary and the same on being notified to the parents will have to be adhered to by them.
  • Please don't criticize the school or teacher in the presence of your ward. Approach the Principal, if occasion so demands.
  • Parents-teachers meeting will be organized in every month to discuss the progress and problems (if any) for the child.

A child mis-educated is a child lost.
- John. F. Kennedy